Thursday, May 3, 2007

Outline for R paper


  • attention getting device: There is a growing threat that has now come to our doorsteps, it is the increasing development of nuclear weapons in other countries of the world.
  • preview of main points: a few examples of these countries would be North Korea and Iran, and their development of nuclear programs. But there are some who believe that it is "OK" for them to have nuclear weapons of their own, so the worlds nuclear market would not be cornered by the leading powers of the world. But along with those who believe that those countries should be allowed to have nuclear weapons there are those who think that their programs should be stopped as quickly as possible, before it is to late.
  • transition to thesis statement/main question or point of the paper: as the world adds another year on to their calender, the growing debate over nuclear weapons has become more heated, some of the debates include: The nuclear programs in question, whether or not those programs should be allowed, and what is the next step.



  • topic sentence about one side of the issue: There is now a lot of worry with the nuclear programs of the non-superpowers of the world, a few of these in question are the programs of North Korea and Iran.
  • research and quotations from sources to prove the topic sentence is correct


  • topic sentence about one side of the issue: With the nuclear programs comes a huge argument that non-superpower countries should be able to have the weapons.
  • research and quotations from sources to prove the topic sentence is correct


  • topic sentence about one side of the issue: To the other side of the issue are those who think that they should be banned from and nuclear programs what so ever, even if they are not a threat.
  • research and quotations from sources to prove the topic sentence is correct


  • topic sentence stating your position on the issue: Out of both the sides that i have presented i side with the one that says that Iran and North Korea should not be allowed to have the nuclear programs that they have because of the threat.
  • reasons and research that say why you chose this standpoint


  • Re-state thesis: as the world as the world keeps growing, the debate over nuclear weapons has become more heated, some of the debates include: The nuclear programs in question, whether or not those programs should be allowed, and what is the next step.

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